VERDICT: "in legibus salus civitatis posita est" Current United States 🇺🇸 50 USC 1550, EO 13818, 18 USC 2381 Delete Swiss 🇨🇭 Democracy & Severely Punish Swiss governments by current Wartime President Trump - Spring'24
Intel Agencies Caught in Massive Voter Fraud not only in USA But Also Around the World. In USA they cheated 48 House Democrats and 12 Democrat Senators into office in 2024 - Dr Corsi
Maine Legislature Censures GOP Rep. Laurel Libby for Posting Photo of Trans Athlete Who Won Girls’ Competition/30,000 Afrikaners Want to Come to USA as White House Welcomes AfriForum Delegation and South African Government Doubles Down on Race-Based Lan
Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled? | Matthew 24 | Wars & Rumors of Wars, Nation Shall Rise Against Nation, Famines & Pestilences..."Bird Flu Vaccines Prepped." - USA Today + Trump Back On X (8/12/24) + US Carrier Heads to Middle East