16 days ago"The Crusades" (1935) WATCH-PARTY - Which Hell UNleashed via the 4th Crusade!?NicodemusSerpico
1 month agoSharia Law on quintessentially prostitution, their "marriage contracts" -infidels & slavery!NicodemusSerpico
3 months agoStreaming live with NicodemusSerpico: Are we Christian? ...So then NOW what should we be doing???4MormonsVerified
1 month ago“Shalom” is it – BLACK FRIDAY eh ---- NOT Good Friday?!? -(CENSORED by Rumble)-NicodemusSerpico
24 days ago"Coming to (the) America(s)" (1988 & 2021)... Who's the foreigner, and how!?NicodemusSerpico