MINERVA: Communication Theoretical Foundations of Nervous System Towards Bio-Inspired Nanonetworks - SYNTHETIC BIOENGINEERING IN Vivo with SMART MATERIALS
Implications of Nanodevice Mobility on Terahertz Communication Links in the Human Vessels - project IoBNT, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
WINLAB - Josep Miguel Jornet UN-LAB "The Internet of Nano-Things" 2021 "Nanotechnology promises new solutions for many applications in the biomedical, industrial and military fields as well as in consumer and industrial goods"
Global Information Grid, and Electromagnetic Warfare Biodigital Convergence, "Healthcare," Human Bodies as Nodes on a Control Grid, Surveillance, Bio-cyber Interfaces, Intrabody Communication, "Security," the GIG
Commercializing Nanomedicine for Improving Human Health: Not Just Hype, It Is Really Happening! Thomas Webster, PhD Professor and Department Chair, Chemical Engineering, Chair in Engineering, Bioengineering, Northeastern University