Elon Musk | Inflection Point | "GPT4 They Are the Amoebas of AI Evolution. The Name On the Inflection Point of the History of the Universe. If That Name Is Elon Musk Or That Name Is Sam Altman. That's a Big Thing." 10/18/2024
Elon Musk | "The Universe Started Out As Hydrogen & Then 13.8 Billion Years Later We Have Consciousness. Consciousness Had to Arise from Hydrogen. If You Leave Hydrogen Out In the Sun Long Enough, It Starts Talking to Itself."
Elon Musk | "The Universe Started Out As Hydrogen & Then 13.8 Billion Years Later We Have Consciousness. Consciousness Had to Arise from Hydrogen. If You Leave Hydrogen Out In the Sun Long Enough, It Starts Talking to Itself."