10 days ago'Texas Must Show it Still Wants to Lead!' Rick Santorum at Texas Public Policy FoundationConvention of StatesVerified
5 days agoWyoming's Sen. Cole: Doing the Same Thing Expecting a Different Result is Insanity!Convention of StatesVerified
2 days agoJennifer has that look you get when you first find out about Article V and Convention of States!Convention of StatesVerified
2 months agoWatch This Machine Sink a 25ft Water Well Pipe Like It's Butter! Well Almost Like ButterJThomas1967
4 days agoConvention of States means we can DO something about the fiscal CRISIS: Dan in MontanaConvention of StatesVerified
24 days agoMark Meckler on TPPF Podcast: Will Texas let Convention of States expire?Convention of StatesVerified
1 month agoI'm Tired of HOPING for Change. It's Time We ACT: Sen. Chris Karr, South DakotaConvention of StatesVerified
1 month agoTimCast: Time to Bypass Congress for Term Limits, Single Subject Amendment with Convention of StatesConvention of StatesVerified
20 days agoWhy He Changed His Mind: Wyoming State Senator on Convention of StatesConvention of StatesVerified
11 days agoBob in Montana: Montana Must Reverse the Craziness of the Federal Deep StateConvention of StatesVerified