6 months agoDr Kelly Brogan ft Christine Hassler: Does 'Viruses' Exists and What is a Dis-'eases'!KimOsboel
10 months agoAlec Zeck ft Brandon Bozarth: Has 'Viruses' EVER been isolated and does Exists? [14.04.2024}]KimOsboel
3 months agoPROOF THAT THE CORONA VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST - Gemma O'Doherty (Reupload)Free Your Mind Videos
1 month agoDr ‘Tom Cowan’: 'Viruses' does NOT Exists + What is Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW)?Biological Medicine
1 month agoDr Cowan, Kaufman and Bailey debunk Dr Malone, McCullough, Cole's claims that 'Viruses' exists!Biological Medicine
1 month agoDr Tom Cowan: 'Viruses' does NOT Exists + What is Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW)?KimOsboel
27 days agoDr 'Tom Cowan' Roundtable: 'Viruses' NEVER been 'isolated' and does NOT Exists!Biological Medicine
1 day agoControlled Opp PRO VIRUS & Pedo TRUMP Gatekeeper Psyop 'The People's Voice' in Plain Sight!KimOsboel
1 day agoControlled Opp PRO 'Virus' & Pedo TRUMP Gatekeeper Psyop The People's Voice in Plain Sight!KimOsboel
6 months agoCHRISTINE MASSEY Blows the Lid off BS19 - COVID-19 SARS 2 IS A LIE! 100% Proof IT DOES NOT EXIST!Free Your Mind Videos
7 months agoDr Tom Cowan ft Dr Omar Almadani: Does 'Viruses' Exists and what is a Dis-'ease'?KimOsboel
10 months agoAlec Zeck ft Veda Austin: Does 'Viruses' exist and what about The Water! [02.05.2024]KimOsboel
14 days agoDr 'Tom Cowan' ft Dr Chris Brown 'Viruses' NEVER been isolated and does NOT Exist!Biological Medicine
6 months agoAlec Zeck ft Jim Gerard & Jim Law: Does 'Viruses' exist and what is a Dis-'ease'!KimOsboel