10 days agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2211 Truthers Stuck in PTSD as Globalist Curse Rapidly Lifts & MaxedOutBear's Tranny Chat DetourArwijn
1 month agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2186 The Mars Colony on Devon Island and the Europa Moon Colony in Greenland & It takes a Flat Earther to Design the Globe DreamArwijn
1 month agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2185 Orange Army on the March, The Path of Christ vs Nicean Trinity Priesthood & Deepstate Drones and the Antartic NazisArwijn
1 month agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2177 Out of the Valley, The Rectangular Looping Model's 24 hour Antarctic SunArwijn
18 days agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2203 Nazi Germany Historically Distorted, Witsit and Jeran bailing on Flat Earth & Aziz Light!Arwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2165 Our "Horned Enemies" has the Church programmed us to fear and hate our Ancestral 'Parents'?Arwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2143 Agenda Affirming Care & Medical Industrial Complex PolutionArwijn
3 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2133 Doctor reveals: "The Virus never existed", I reveal: No Viruses exist at allArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2159 Arwijn was right, but none will thank him for it & A Ball Earth Religious MonasteryArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2145 Know the Scenario for your Impuls Range & Thought Self PolicingArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2156 January 6th the Return of the Christ Spirit & US Phoenix Event may Curtail the European Nazi uprisingArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2166 The Closer you get to the Truth the higher the Risk of InfightingArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2152 A 24 hour Sun in Antarctica does not Disprove the Earth being measured FlatArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2153 Antarctica 24 hour sun aftermath; Earth still measured Flat & Trained to ExplainArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2162 Sea Moss Regeneration, Does the Spirit Hold off Entropy, The Spirit of a Nation & China Bootlegging SpaceArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2161 You know it's real because it's provably faked: CIA documents say Large Humans Built the Pyramids... on MarsArwijn
2 months agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2169 Western Culture should not Complain about Russian Free Speech & Take Responsibility for your Situational Awareness in PublicArwijn
1 month agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2171 Parallel Conscious Dreamwalker, How to avoid becoming a Grabbler & Electric Charge Human Spirit Water Flow TrichotomyArwijn
1 month agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2174 Dreamwalking to the Next Level, Did occultists attempt to create an Artificial Balance between Good and Evil and fail?Arwijn
1 month agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2175 Denmark Greenland Fire Sale? California Scorched Earth Negligence Protocols reflect HawaiiArwijn