Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "I'm from Texas. I Heard from a Really Good Friend Who Is Using You Guys for His Company. I Own a Plumbing Company. It's a Great Conference & I've Learned a Ton. It's alot of FUN!"
RFK Jr: Pfizer’s mRNA Jab Killed More People Than It Saved, Should Not Have Been Approved/Nashville felon arrested after allegedly trafficking women from Florida and Texas/ Republican-Led Texas House Names Democrat as Speaker Pro-Tem, and Hands Half of
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "I'm from Austin, Texas. I Was Searching Online for a Mentorship Program...I Came to the Conference & Was Absolutely Overwhelmed! It's Like An Interesting Combination of Comedy & Content."
Jeff Younger live 12/1 Transgender Agenda: A Texas father who tried for years to stop his ex-wife from allowing his pre-teen child, who now identifies as 'Luna,' to be chemically castrated has been dealt a blow in California court. #330