1. "Get Smarter Women On Afterhours" - Fresh and Fit Address It For The Final Time

    "Get Smarter Women On Afterhours" - Fresh and Fit Address It For The Final Time

  2. Fresh and Fit Debate Russia/Ukraine Conflict w/ Dawson, Sartain & Destiny

    Fresh and Fit Debate Russia/Ukraine Conflict w/ Dawson, Sartain & Destiny

  3. The Most EXPLOSIVE Moment In Fresh And Fit History! Exclusive BTS FOOTAGE

    The Most EXPLOSIVE Moment In Fresh And Fit History! Exclusive BTS FOOTAGE

  4. Fresh and Fit Challenge Guest Thinking "It's Easy To Get Girls As A Man"

    Fresh and Fit Challenge Guest Thinking "It's Easy To Get Girls As A Man"

  5. Caller 1v1s Chris For "Trash Camera Angles" - Fresh and Fit Can't Stop Laughing

    Caller 1v1s Chris For "Trash Camera Angles" - Fresh and Fit Can't Stop Laughing

  6. "This Video Gives Me Hope Again" - Fresh and Fit React To 'Deep State Target List' By Ivan Raiklin

    "This Video Gives Me Hope Again" - Fresh and Fit React To 'Deep State Target List' By Ivan Raiklin

  7. "Shape Shifter" Finessed Its Way On The Pod - Fresh and Fit Give Chris An L

    "Shape Shifter" Finessed Its Way On The Pod - Fresh and Fit Give Chris An L

  8. Fresh and Fit React To Kamala Vinn Diagram MEME & "Almost" Profound Moments, Simulation Confirmed?

    Fresh and Fit React To Kamala Vinn Diagram MEME & "Almost" Profound Moments, Simulation Confirmed?

  9. Feminist 'Boss Babes' Rethink KIDS Vs CAREER - Fresh and Fit Saving Lives

    Feminist 'Boss Babes' Rethink KIDS Vs CAREER - Fresh and Fit Saving Lives

  10. Fresh & Fit BANNED On Twitch AGAIN But This Time NOT Myron's Fault But HIM!

    Fresh & Fit BANNED On Twitch AGAIN But This Time NOT Myron's Fault But HIM!

  11. About The Tate Brothers In Florida & The TRUTH of USAID Help Funded Against Them Fresh & Fit 2/27/25

    About The Tate Brothers In Florida & The TRUTH of USAID Help Funded Against Them Fresh & Fit 2/27/25

  12. Myron Gives Stay-At-Home Dad MASSIVE Redpill! - Fresh and Fit Host Their First Couples Intervention

    Myron Gives Stay-At-Home Dad MASSIVE Redpill! - Fresh and Fit Host Their First Couples Intervention
