4 months agolib democrat cult Kamala Fake News lied Trump said let warhawk liz cheney go to these senseless warslevtcs
4 months agolike 2020,,,, fake liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan biden kamala walz paid liars exposedlevtcs
4 months agoMarco Rubio FACT CHECKS Anti-Trump liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan fake news CBS lieslevtcs
3 months agolib democrat fake news "the best biden ever" Joe Scarborough’s LIE-FUELED MELTDOWN Over Trump’s Winlevtcs
4 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan Kamala word salad ‘disappeared’ in fake news cbs edited interviewlevtcs
4 months agodemocrat Kamala Orders Military to STAGE Hurricane Victims Supplies FAKE Photo Op | plane NEVER Sentlevtcs
3 months agotolerant Trump Deranged Lib hypocrite satanic dem cult klan fake news pathologic liars epic Meltdownlevtcs
4 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan Kamala BANS VOTER QUESTIONS! Campaign Fake Town Hall DISASTER!levtcs
4 months agoMayra Guillen debunk democrat fake news atlantic jeffrey goldberg on Pres Trump obsession w dictatorlevtcs
4 months agodemocrat cult fake news MSNBC Host lying in your face After dem cult Kamala CNN Townhall DISASTERlevtcs
6 months agodesperate democrat cult india Kamala again Fake Black Accent in Detroit, democrat sheep clap & cheerlevtcs
3 months agoBlack Race Hustler GOES OFF democrat fake news MSNBC REFUSING Admit Trump Won Because America Racistlevtcs
3 months agolib hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan fake news Admits Pres Trump Never Actually a Nazi dictatorlevtcs
2 months agochicago citizen frustratd democrat cult klan chicago mayor brandon johnson love open border illegalslevtcs
2 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan fake news CNN Airs Bullsh*t Syria Prisoner Discovery Story! 12-15levtcs
3 months ago‘She’s a dope’: Megyn Kelly blasts liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan fake news MSNBC hostlevtcs
2 months agoWhitney Cummings funniest democrat cult fake news CNN New York times square New Year Eve Performancelevtcs
3 months agodem fake news Demand Stop Calling zombie joe Biden a Liar Over nobody is above the law Hunter Pardonlevtcs
4 months agolib democrat fake news CNN Panel ERUPTS After wsb radio Shelley Wynter's says Black love Pres Trumplevtcs
2 months agodem fake news CNN MELTS DOWN Trump & GOP DEMAND FBI Investigate RINO Liz Cheney J6 WITNESS TAMPERINGlevtcs
3 months agoBill Maher GOES OFF On democrat fake news MSNBC & CNN, Uses Obama & Hillary to DESTROY Democrat LIESlevtcs
1 month agofake news CNN RAGES NOBODY CARes About setup Jan 6th insurrection & Pres Trump REFUSING To Apologizelevtcs
3 months agohypocrite dem fake news MSNBc speechless after democrat pathologic liar joe biden pardon son Hunterlevtcs
2 months agodemocrat cult fake news CNN Rage Elon Musk DEMANDing Cognitive Test After MIA dementia Congresswomanlevtcs