5 months agoVerse Of The Day : Proverbs 4:23 NLT Guard Your Hearth Above All Else, For It Determines...HebrewIsraelitesHolland
6 months agoVerse Of The Day : Proverbs 16:9 NLT We Can Make Our Plans, But The LORD Determines Our Steps.HebrewIsraelitesHolland
4 months agoThe $750 from FEMA comes with a catch: A Predatory Loans To Seize Their PropertyHebrewIsraelitesHolland
6 months ago888 Hz ABUNDANCE Frequency * 888 Lion's Gate * LYRAN Transmission * Abundance KeysAlohaPinkBella888
8 months agoSTARSEEDS * BLUE RAYS * 144000 * 7/7 Sirius Stargate * ABUNDANCE Key Codes * DNA Repairs!AlohaPinkBella888
8 months agoJULY GALACTIC Akashic Records Update * Starseeds * Multiple Suns * Nibiru * Solar FlashAlohaPinkBella888
7 months ago144000 KEY Codes * 528 HZ DNA Repair * Arcturian Transmission for 8:8 Lion's GateAlohaPinkBella888
7 months agoGALACTIC New Year * 8:8 Lion's Gate * Fall of ATLANTIS * STARSEEDS Quantum HealingAlohaPinkBella888
7 months ago7:7 - 8:8 LIONS GATE Passage * STARSEEDS & LIGHTWORKS Update! * GOLDEN DragonsAlohaPinkBella888
8 months agoSOLSTICE Gateway Deep Dive LIVE! * Sun Changes * Intense Weather Glitches * Shape Shifters!AlohaPinkBella888
8 months agoSOLSTICE Starseeds Gateway! * Advanced JSEALS & Implants * 12 Chakras * Earth Star ChakraAlohaPinkBella888
8 months agoLYRAN Transmission * ROYALTY Code STARSEED Activations * AKASHIC Records Reset * SOLSTICEAlohaPinkBella888
7 months agoGOLDEN DRAGONS Transmission * 7:7 to 8:8 LIONS GATE Passageway * Starseeds & LightworkersAlohaPinkBella888
8 months agoPLEIADIAN Transmission * Cellular Changes & SOLAR FLARES * DNA STARSEED Upgrades!AlohaPinkBella888