2 months ago'Rumor in Rome': Biden Had an Accident at the Vatican - #PoopyPantsBiden Now Trending on TwitterBiological Medicine
4 months agoIs there no end to the sheer EVIL this man has done whilst he was Health Secretary?Concerned for Truth
5 months agoSuspect pulls up his pants. Cop throws a roundhouse right for doing thatCurrent Events and Constitutional Commentary
9 months agoTHIS IS ME IN VIDEO THAT GOT !!!*99,000*!!! VIEWS ON LIVELEAK.COMA StoryOf Police Brutality: What The Canadian Government Did to Severely Disabled Me, SEVERE TORTURE Of CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 months agoSERIOUS --Our Meat.& Food Sprayed & Injected Nano-TechnologyInto Our Blood. Numbers are visible!Videos that Matter
7 months ago1988: Biden Says He Marched For Civil Rights, Later Admitted Lying About It After Being Fact CheckedNewsVids