Prosecutors Want Prison Time for Woman Who Stole Ashley Biden's Diary - Garrett Ziegler; Illegal Aliens in NY Home - Mike Lipetri; Jesse Kelly: Karl Rove Wants to Lock J6ers Up! | The Breanna Morello Show
Rep. Troy Nehls Says He Has Opened Investigation into 2022 Assault at DC Gulag; "Deadly Force" Controversy on Trump's Home - Kyle Seraphin; Labs Infect Cows with H5N1 Influenza Virus - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show
Kamala Harris & Christopher Wray Use School Shooting for 'Photo Op' - Ryan Petty & Andrew Pollack; Feds are Coming for Our Guns - Kyle Seraphin; NYC Squatters Arrested | The Breanna Morello Show
CAUGHT: The DOJ Committed Perjury During Oath Keepers Trial - Ed Tarpley & James Lee Bright; J6 Arrest - Isabella DeLuca & Anthony Sabatini; Matt Schlapp Agreed to Hefty Settlement | The Breanna Morello Show
Erik Prince Weighs in on Trump Assassination Attempt-POLL: Trump Assassination Attempt - Mark Mitchell; ; Biological Man vs Female Athlete at the Olympics - Seth Weathers | The Breanna Morello Show
FBI Confront Journalist Right - Paulo Figueiredo; D.C. Board of Elections Trains Illegals - Wendi Mahoney; California Elected Official Speaks Out - Jim Desmond | The Breanna Morello Show