How to Make Money | Jordan Peterson, Jim Rohn & Others Explain Why Money Is a Magnifier & Money Is An Amplifier | How Did Dr. Zoellner Earn His Millions? Why Money Can Be Made By Solving Problems Or By Selling Sin (You Choose)
Katt Williams | "Hollywood Is Not Really There to Entertain You. Show Me One Person (Man) That Ever Wore a Dress Unsuccessfully? I Knew That In the Ritual of Baphomet the Transgender to Show Allegiance to Him You Had to Kiss His ____."
Gold | “If we had a dollar crisis, gold would have to go up 19X to match the price level it was at in 1980 relative to foreign treasuries outstanding ($42K). 3x to 6x, that’s just getting back to long-term avg.” - Luke Gromen
Katt Williams | "Hollywood Is Not Really There to Entertain You. I Knew In the Ritual of Baphomet the Transgender to Show Allegiance to Him You Had to Kiss His ___." + BRICS Expands Dedollarization + Chipping Humans? BRICS & CBDCs
Yuval Noah Harari & Natalie Portman (Oct 4th 2018) | "We Have This Myth of Free Will And This Is a Myth That Served Us Well for a Few Centuries, But Now It's Becoming Dangerous. Religion Is Now Most Harmful." - Yuval Noah Harari