Stone Pillow (1985 Full Movie) | Drama | Summary: A New York social worker (Daphne Zuniga) learns from an elderly bag lady (Lucille Ball) who roams the streets and lives in a doorway.
Ascension/Transcendence According to Your Sovereign Will (You're Bound to NO New Age Dogma or Mission Other Than What You've Chosen for Yourself), and Soul-Loss & Adhesion to Matter: STUCK in The Material Realm! | The Alchemist
Red Planet Mars (1952 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: Husband-and-wife scientists (Peter Graves, Andrea King) pick up a pie-in-the-sky TV message supposedly from Mars.
The Wizard of Mars (1965 Full Movie) [L. Frank Baum] | Sci-Fi/Horror | John Carradine, Roger Gentry, Vic McGee, Jerry Rannow, Eve Bernhardt. | Summary: Four space travellers encounter a sinister force on Mars that threatens to stifle all life forms.
Despite His Toughness/Roughness to the Point That it Angers People is an Aspect of Donald Trump That of a "People Pleaser"? [A Very Bad Trait, Mind You!] — After the RNC Which Side of the GOP Will Trump Embrace THIS TIME? | Glenn Greenwald
Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989 Full Movie) [Based on Four Stories by Damon Runyon Rolled into One] | Drama-Comedy/Musical/Period (1928) | Matt Dillon, Jennifer Grey, Madonna, Randy Quaid, Anita Morris, Julie Hagerty, Rutger Hauer, Esai Morales.
CNN Host CAN'T Digest the TRUTH From Ex-U.S. Army Sniper! (She Probably Can, But as an Employee of The Illuminati She is a Soul [Paid/Sold] to Stick to the Narrative She's Hired to Protect!)
Why Rumble & YouTube Creators/Personalities Delete Your Comments! — NotaRubicon Productions Tells Us | WE in 5D: He Took The Words OUT of My Mouth! P.S. SO, MAKE YOUR FINAL COMMENT A REAL GOOD ONE. P.P.S. Anons/Qanon'ers Not Entertained Here!
The Amos 'N' Andy Show [First Black Sitcom] (1928-60 on Radio, 1951-53 on TV, Canceled on TV When the Creators Retired Despite Huge Ratings; Initially Set in Chicago, Later in Harlem NYC.) | Alvin Childress, Spencer Williams, Tim Moore.