3/6/24 Drop dead hour? #BohemianGrove, what’s real? #RyanGarcia bombshell! How they collect data on us! Nuland, John Kerry, Nikki Haley, McConnel step down!
4/16/24 Guatemala seek collaboration from TX, on US NGO’s for trafficking children! Crime & depravity in Austin! Corruption continues in Brazil! Cathy O’Brien exposes Clintons~
4/21/24 Candace Owens on link of Diddy & Michael Jackson’s death! Farmers can’t plant their own seeds! Vrils/Doubles/Clones! Exploring various conspiracies!
4/25/24 Riot police trained by IDF? King Charles funeral! Netanyahu manipulating the shut down of Palestine protests! Trump granted Presidential immunity!
4/28/24 More grifters exposed! New proof on the Flynns! Weather warfare! Pedophile commits lewd act in plain site! Ouija board toy designed for … need I say?
4/30/24 Israel’s death grip on America! The influence of AIPAC! 79 people UT Austin were NOT students & they had weapons! Finally a J6 Whistleblower trial exposes Flynn!
5/2/24 2nd Boeing whistleblower dies! Mich. passes bill to cheat! EID tags on cattle? Austin overdose outbreak, False allegations of antisemitic attacks! Where’s transgender ideology from? How much AID do we give Israel?
5/1/24 In a violation of 1st amendment! House rushing to vote on a new “antisemitic” bill, HR 6090. On American College Campuses People Making $975 PER hr. Protesting at Universities! Footage found of tribunals happening back in 2020! Lab grown meat