9 months agoEARTH IS STATIONARY WITH NO CURVATURE: 1,200 Miles of Flat Earth Infrared Footage | JTolan Media1Liberty TV
11 months agoEMPIRICAL EVIDENCE! All Moon Landings Are FAKE! Share/Reupload to Defeat Cabal & "Space" Agencies!Liberty TV
7 months agoPROOF the Moon Is Not in "Space": Clouds behind the Underformed Half Plasma Moon in the Day SkyLiberty TV
11 months agoABSOLUTE PROOF: The Local, Non-Solid, Plasma Moon Emits Its Own Light, Which Has a Cooling EffectLiberty TV
10 months agoThe Real Science on Solar & Lunar Eclipses That the Satanic NWO Cabal Doesn't Want the World to KnowLiberty TV
8 months agoATOM AND THE NUCLEAR HOAX: It's All Lies! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/CERN Agents or "Scientists"!Liberty TV
7 months agoRoseanne Barr Asks David Weiss Whether Man Has Been to the Moon - Can She Handle the Truth?Liberty TV
8 months ago⚠️Dr. Sabine Hazan: COVID vaccines killing the gut bifidobacteria, destroying immunitygalacticstorm
11 months agoTHE PLASMA SUN IS CLOSE / LOCAL: Crepuscular Sun Rays Prove Flat Earth Perspective | P-BraneLiberty TV
10 months agoCERN'S DEMONIC OPENING CEREMONY: CERN Is Run by Satanists ! Don't Be Duped by CERN "Scientists" !Liberty TV
10 months agoSpaceX CEO Elon Musk Is a Cabal/Jesuit Coadjutor ! Beware of the NWO Psyops SpaceX and Starlink !Liberty TV
9 months agoNASA Chief Bill Nelson Caught Lying AGAIN to Hide Earth's Selfie on the Unlandable Plasma Moon !!!Liberty TV
8 months agoHow DNA Contamination May Explain Post-Vax Rise in Cancers, Autoimmune Diseases & Clotsgalacticstorm
9 months agoThe Sun Isn't in "Space"! Solar Flares/Storms Don't Exist! Get Your Govt to Zoom in with Nikon P900!Liberty TV
10 months agoWho Is at the Top Calling the Shots? | Jordan Maxwell | Highly Recommended for Patriots WorldwideLiberty TV
9 months agoDeep Dive into the Deep State of the World | Alfa Vedic w/ Steve Falconer | For Patriots WorldwideLiberty TV
7 months agoProof of Our Local Moon from Nikon P1000 and Airplanes! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
7 months agoNWO CABAL'S DECEPTION EXPOSED: The Truth about the Yamaka (Skullcap) and the Wailing (Western) WallLiberty TV
8 months agoNo Craft Can Land on the Moon's Near/Far Side! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Controlled/Threatened Govts!Liberty TV
9 months agoTHE GREAT ONE CIRCLE - Vital Information That the Satanic NWO Cabal Doesn't Want the World to KnowLiberty TV
6 months agoThe Bloodline and Big Boss of Donald Trump That the NWO Gatekeepers Don't Want the World to KnowLiberty TV
1 month agoBEWARE! NWO Cabal-Controlled Nations, Media and Platforms Push Distorted, Inverted False Reality!Liberty TV
6 months agoNWO Cabal Created Israel to Bring about the Battle of Armageddon - DON'T BE DUPED! | William CooperLiberty TV
7 months ago'WORLD MAP BY PLASMA MOON' ACTIVISM: Prague Astronomical Clock Meets World Map by Plasma Moon | VoCLiberty TV