Netanyahu disbands war cabinet /Tucker Carlson Shares Details on Jack Ruby’s Sudden Death by Cancer After Being Visited By CIA /Biden Freezes as Obama Grabs His Arm and Leads Him Off Stage
England HAS FALLEN: Insane Videos Capture Dystopic Scenes as MASSIVE Migrant Riots/Biden Family Members Now Reportedly Discussing Possible Exit Plan for Old Joe/Court Rules That Arizona Can Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote – UNLESS Voters Use Federa
AOC Promises to Impeach Justices Who Supported Trump’s Immunity/“Take All of Them Out” Zoomer Biden Superfan Tweets About Military Offing Trump and Supreme Court Justices/Germany Introduces Law Requiring New Citizens To Pledge Allegiance to Israel/T
Desperate Liberals Think Biden Was Hit by Putin’s ‘Directed-Energy Weapon’ During Debate/UK Tories face worst election defeat in history/Gen. Flynn immediately said the “unauthorized FEC filings” are “fake news.”Spain has moved to crack down
Australian Gov’t Slaughter Millions of Chickens Due to ‘Bird Flu’/Metro Atlanta Judge Arrested At Downtown Bar After Assaulting Police Officer/George Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are ‘100% Fixed’/Biden Regime Declares Trump Support