Trump Yearns For The Iron Fist of China, Exposing "The Patriots", Chaos Post Election Dovetails into Duduman Prophecy, The Gnostic Roots of The Truther Movement, The Beast/10 Kings Destroy the Whore w/ Fire & The Stage Is Being Set For That
Friday Night Shabbat: 1 Million Muslims in Iran Have Turned to Christ as 50,000 Mosques Closed, Very Encouraging Letter From Subscriber About David Wilkerson Prophecy
Trump Scraping ICE Policy, Drones Over New Jersey Pushes Drumbeats of War With Iran, The Utter Confusion of the Q Narrative: Trust Wray -- Oh, Wait Wray Is The Bad Guy!
Golden-Age/Sun God Worship Symbolism at Rebirth Notre Dame Ceremony, Exposing Clay Clark's Reawaken Tour, Flynn's Satanic Prayer, Scott McKay's Satanic New Age Teachings Exposed, Q's "Ascension", Paganism of Xmas
The Daniel 9:27 Covenant & Trump, Netanyahu Speech & Israel Earthquake, The Black Box/Cube, Quantum D-Wave Computing, The Simpsons Predict President Ivanka Trump, Biden's Recorded Speech, Two Pillars of Freemasonry & Purple Rain
SUNY Oneonta: Police Try To Intimidate Me, I Stand My Ground, Bella Joins Me Preaching & Invites Her Boyfriend and Other Christian Students, Soon Large Crowd Forms, Revival Seems to Be About to Break Out, Then Hypocrite Jezebel Ruins Everything
Rabbi Calls on Trump To Implement Noahide Laws, Gaetz Freemason Roots, Trump Partners with Bill Gates Funded Global Vaccine Alliance, Striking Similarities Between Christ's Family Tree & Trump's Family Tree
Global Markets Plunge, Dow Down Over 1000 Points, Trump Scottish Freemason Proof In Video, Exposing Putin As A Satanic Pedophile Himself, Exposing Evil Dustin Nemos, Exposing Evil Derek Johnson & Patel Patriot, Exposing Evil Dave Ramsey