11 months ago#capricorn #ariesseason someone went to the crossroads and is mad your still leavinReadings From Neptune Tarot
11 months ago#virgo #ariesseason leaving this person behind for what they about to get caught up inReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months agofire signs weekly, the truth shall set you free but it will piss you offReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#watersigns #weekendmessages #cancer #pisces #scorpio wishes granted but watch outReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months agowater signs weekly messages cancer pisces scorpio someone mad someone is pregnantReadings From Neptune Tarot
8 months ago#scorpio #bonusreading someone trying to tempt you into cheating on your personReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#airsigns #weeklymessages someone is watching you to give you an offer or heartacheReadings From Neptune Tarot
9 months ago#leo bonus reading between now & #geminiseason this person went to so many people for death magikReadings From Neptune Tarot
11 months ago#watersigns #springbreak reading- this person gonna be maaad when you blossomReadings From Neptune Tarot
4 months agoleo bonus reading part 1 someone is trying to stop you from having a baby/projectReadings From Neptune Tarot
8 months agowater signs weekend messages mind your temper someone wants you behind barsReadings From Neptune Tarot
7 months agoScorpio Leo Season -Pay attention to your dreams, love spells, secret court dealingsReadings From Neptune Tarot
6 months ago#watersign #weeklymessages #cancer #pisces #scorpio July 29-Aug4Readings From Neptune Tarot
7 months agoFirework Reading-Fire Signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius- Family WoesReadings From Neptune Tarot