1. Baccarat Live - 54 units won in 56 minutes with 44.4% hit rate and 18 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 54 units won in 56 minutes with 44.4% hit rate and 18 unit drawdown

  2. Baccarat Live - 59 units won in 49 minutes with 52.3% hit rate and 11 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 59 units won in 49 minutes with 52.3% hit rate and 11 unit drawdown

  3. Baccarat Live - 34 units won in 56 minutes with 54.5% hit rate and 1 unit drawdown. LCSD set to 5.

    Baccarat Live - 34 units won in 56 minutes with 54.5% hit rate and 1 unit drawdown. LCSD set to 5.

  4. Live Baccarat - LCSD set to 5 - 10 units won in 33 minutes with 52.3 % hit rate with 8 unit drawdown

    Live Baccarat - LCSD set to 5 - 10 units won in 33 minutes with 52.3 % hit rate with 8 unit drawdown

  5. Baccarat Live - 386 units won in 70 minutes with 44.8% hit rate and 446 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 386 units won in 70 minutes with 44.8% hit rate and 446 unit drawdown

  6. Live Baccarat - Betting against the sheet after 3 LIAR - 100 units, 175 minutes, 49 unit drawdown

    Live Baccarat - Betting against the sheet after 3 LIAR - 100 units, 175 minutes, 49 unit drawdown

  7. How to win at baccarat with the Rigel Castle App with the "Haku Sr" money management.

    How to win at baccarat with the Rigel Castle App with the "Haku Sr" money management.

  8. Baccarat Live - Oscar's Grind LCSD set to 0.7 - 21 units, 52 minutes, 48.6% HR, 36 unit drawdown.

    Baccarat Live - Oscar's Grind LCSD set to 0.7 - 21 units, 52 minutes, 48.6% HR, 36 unit drawdown.

  9. Baccarat Live - A BROKEN SHEET that wasn't losing despite the relentless low hit rate

    Baccarat Live - A BROKEN SHEET that wasn't losing despite the relentless low hit rate

  10. Baccarat Livestream - 47 units in 50 minutes with 42.6% HR & 1486 unit drawdown. Went to level 30.

    Baccarat Livestream - 47 units in 50 minutes with 42.6% HR & 1486 unit drawdown. Went to level 30.

  11. Baccarat Live - Had to switch to No Retreat to recover. Progressions that go up and down get STUCK!

    Baccarat Live - Had to switch to No Retreat to recover. Progressions that go up and down get STUCK!

  12. Live Baccarat - 312 units in 64 minutes using pure LCS with 5th level starting bet

    Live Baccarat - 312 units in 64 minutes using pure LCS with 5th level starting bet

  13. How to win at baccarat using the Froggy from the app found at rigelcastle.com

    How to win at baccarat using the Froggy from the app found at rigelcastle.com

  14. How to win at baccarat with the Rigel Castle App for FREE using the Brain.

    How to win at baccarat with the Rigel Castle App for FREE using the Brain.
