4 months agoTalking to Muslims 348: Islam and Jehovah's Witness both claim God has partnersChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating (Almondsbury) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,102: Is Jesus Almighty God? 1 of 2ChristianComedyChannel
5 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 798: A Oneness Pentecostal on the TrinityChristianComedyChannel
4 months agoDebating Jehovah's Witnesses 3,031: I ask is the Holy Spirit eternal or created?ChristianComedyChannel
4 months agoDebating (Nigerian) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,039: LOL This call is hilariousChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoTalking to Muslims 306: A heated discussion with a Muslim from EgyptChristianComedyChannel
4 months agoDebating (Maidstone) Jehovah's Witness 3,024: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 7ChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoTalking to Muslims 298: I discuss Surah 69:44 to 46 and Bukhari's Hadith 4428 Muhammad's aortaChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 781: An SDA lecturer from Newbold College on TithingChristianComedyChannel
5 months agoTalking to Muslims 340: A Canadian Muslim on marrying pre-pubescent girls (Surah 65:4)ChristianComedyChannel
5 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 795: A Nigerian Evangelist on the TrinityChristianComedyChannel
4 months agoTalking to Muslims 350: A Muslim from Malawi on Surah 10:16, 9:2 and 37:12ChristianComedyChannel
3 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 818: The ICoC in South-East London (part 3 of 3)ChristianComedyChannel
4 months agoDebating (Nigeria) Jehovah's Witness 3,028: This JW tells me that the Holy Spirit is created!ChristianComedyChannel
3 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 819: Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ in the PhilippinesChristianComedyChannel
2 months agoTalking to Muslims 382: What's the punishment for women not wearing the hijab or niqab?ChristianComedyChannel
3 months agoTalking to Muslims 356: Surah 65:4 on the divorce of pre-pubescent girlsChristianComedyChannel
2 months agoTalking to Muslims 387: Madina Mosque in Southampton on the age of Sexual ConsentChristianComedyChannel
2 months agoTalking to Muslims 385: Al-Haramain Mosque in Bedford are hopeless (part 1 of 2)ChristianComedyChannel
2 months agoTalking to Muslims 363: Masjid Al-Salaam in Rotherham on the age of ConsentChristianComedyChannel