2 months agoDemocrats and deep state are forcing a depression and worse market crash than 1929 around the world along with a push to WWIII.michaelj5326Verified
1 month agoWhy do Democrats hate the Military from the perspective of two career military veterans.michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoCali earthquake and Tsunami threat as predicted. Will the deep state collapse kill millions?michaelj5326Verified
4 months agoThe deep state owns both sides but watch to see who wins. It's time to win against them.michaelj5326Verified
1 month agoWhen the US goes to war on the Mexican cartels what will that do to precious metals.michaelj5326Verified
4 months agoWill Joe Biden be taken out by the deep state for supporting Trump? Covid lie NYC.michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoKerry Cassidy and I discuss current events and are reptilians really running the world?michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoWhen will the war kick off and is the Q post Israel for last about to come true?michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoSecret drone technology is coming and going from advanced underwater bases.michaelj5326Verified
6 months agoPrepare mentally to lose 15 cities in America before and after the election to deep state activitiesmichaelj5326Verified
1 month agoSilver is in a bull market and will it quickly move higher soon under the Trump Administration?michaelj5326Verified
4 months agoHurricane Milton was a simulation exercise Project Phoenix 2.0 like 9/11, Lahaina all planned. before they were carried out.michaelj5326Verified
10 months agoX: Nuclear Industry Shenanigans | Directed Energy Weapons | 5G mmWave-Starlink-Kuiper PlotGabriel Cruz ResearchVerified
10 months agoDerek Johnson gives us updates on Trump the worlds war time president.michaelj5326Verified
1 month agoInternational human rights lawyer exposes child sexual abuse enablers in Florida.michaelj5326Verified
6 months agoWhat will the election look like and will blue cities become hell holes?michaelj5326Verified
5 months agoThe deep state is at war with Americans they can't control and are actively killing us off.michaelj5326Verified
4 months agoAll eyes on America on Election Day for a Trump win then the shit hits the fan.michaelj5326Verified
6 months agoWhen blackouts happen it will often be to trap and capture fleeing evil deep state actors.michaelj5326Verified
5 months agoOle Dammegard reveals Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Palme lived long after his body double was killed and Elvis is still alive.michaelj5326Verified
4 months agoWill Trump be declared Presidential winner on election night? Will there be riots?michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoWill there be a nuclear war and will rogue military groups strike targets in the US?michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoWill a Dr. Birx look alike Bird Flu Plandemic push be successful, Where are all the Drones, Weather War?michaelj5326Verified
4 months agoPatriot roundtable on election red wave, the coming violence, deep state fear, democrat party extinction.michaelj5326Verified