Jim Jordan Sits with Breanna Morello; House's Vote on FISA - Steve Friend and Garret O'Boyle; CIA Officer Caught - Arden Young; TSA Lawsuit - Sonya LaBosco | The Breanna Morello Show
New FBI Whistleblower - Steve Friend; Mass Deportation - John Zadrozny; Bar Speaks Up! - Mark Fitzpatrick; NY AG Tish James - Dr. Stella Immanuel; Gov. Entrapment - Jeremy Brown; Ivermectin - David and Stacy Whited | The Breanna Morello Show
Elon Musk | "AI Tutors Are Going to Be Amazing, Perhaps Companionship. How Can a Computer Be Your Friend? It Will Know You Better Than Anyone." + "You Don't Need to Be a Human Being In Order to Be a Legal Person." - Yuval