5 months agoDIRE WARNING! MAIN PLAN OF AGENDA 2030/21: Depopulate, Modify and Control the Human Race!Liberty TV
6 months agoTruth Seekers, WATCH OUT! Disinformation Agents (Controlled-Opp.) Tell about 95% Truths and 5% Lies!Liberty TV
6 months agoUS ELECTION 2024 - HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Who Actually Runs the US Government? | Tulsi Gabbard and RISELiberty TV
8 months agoDr. 'Sherri Tenpenny' 'MRNA'J..A8Ss Are Literally D3ath By Our Own 6overnmentSereneChristine
5 months agoIf They (Politicians, Patriots, Truthers, Media, Etc.) Don't Say "JESUITS," They're on the PAYROLLLiberty TV
5 months agoSUSPECTED Gatekeeper David Weiss Hides Video "Magnetic Pole Shift EXPLAINED" on His Archive ChannelLiberty TV
5 months agoThe Timeline of the Cabal-Hijacked Modern Flat-Earth Movement | Flat Earth Is REAL but CONTROLLED!Liberty TV
6 months agoBEWARE! NWO/Globe/Gleason Gatekeepers Mislead and Distract You from the Plasma-Moon Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
5 months agoWARNING! The Satanic NWO Cabal Could Use Flat-Earth Apps to Track, Target and Mislead Flat-Earthers!Liberty TV
6 months agoIn 1965, a Real Scientist, Professor Among R. Foster, Stated That the Moon Is Plasma - NOT SOLID !!!Liberty TV
11 months agoConnecting Excess Deaths to LNP C-19 Jabs and 4G-5G EMF Radiation | Maria Zeee w/ Anders BrunstadLiberty TV
11 months agoWARNING: The NWO Cabal Has Cell Towers Ready for COVID-2X Plandemic, 5G/6G Democide or Disease "X"Liberty TV
5 months agoSUSPECTED Gatekeeper Eric Dubay Responds to a Comment about Him Being Called a Cabal CoadjutorLiberty TV
6 months agoSUSPECTED Gatekeepers Eric Dubay and Eddie Alencar Post Videos to Discredit the Lunar Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
5 months agoPISCES TO AQUARIUS: A Sudden Rapid Shift of the North Pole on the Flat Earth Might Happen by 2700 CELiberty TV
7 months agoWhile we were focused on assassination attempts and Biden Resignation they are sneaking in the next plandemic.SierraDelta
8 months agoDocumentary: Artificial Intelligence - MIND Control. Digital Brain Matrix of Control Part 1&2TheWarAgainstYou
7 months agoMaria Zee: AI Forced Social Contract EXPOSED! PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE!Sante Caribe Health and Wellness Centers