9 months agoConnecting with Jessie Czebotar #101 - The Gateway Experience - Decode Part 3 (June 2023)Jessie Czebotar Full Shows
11 months agoFebruary Ritual, The Burdens, Devoted High Priests + Madonna, Grand High Dame, Procures/Oversees Beta Kitty Sex Slaves + KanyeJessie Czebotar Clips
7 months agoOur Schools Are Trafficking Our Children To The U.S. Military - Jessie Marie Czebotar (June 2024)Jessie Czebotar Clips
9 months agoFun, Playfulness, People Forget to Let Out Their Inner Child + A Funny Story About a Mean Bunny, Sad EndingJessie Czebotar Clips
9 months agoMilitary Projects, Alice and the Spiritual Gates, Satan's End-Time Agenda + 5G Towers, Ley Lines, Witches and EnergyJessie Czebotar Clips
11 months agoJessie Czebotar Explains What the Satanic Display in the Iowa Capitol MeansJessie Czebotar Clips
10 months agoHexes & Spells on Areas, 'Prepare the Ground' for Satanists, Invite Spirits etc.+ Destruction SpellsJessie Czebotar Clips
10 months agoAnti-Christ Ritual + Belgians, Masonic Temples, Banking, Castle, Bilderberg + Witch Towns, 13 Original ColoniesJessie Czebotar Clips
11 months agoSatan's Appearance, 4 or 5 Different Forms, 2 Spirit Forms, A Physical Dragon Form + 2 Angelic, Alluring FormsJessie Czebotar Clips
9 months agoTwitter Wars, Lies and Attacks, Accusations + The Cycle of Entertaining Thoughts, Bad Intentions + DiscernmentJessie Czebotar Clips
9 months agoThey Believe That They're Going to Hell, That They're Irredeemable, They Don't Think That Confessing Their Sins Works + The Breath of GodJessie Czebotar Clips
7 months agoExamine Your Own Life First + Sexual Sin and Sexual Immorality, Oppression + Not Getting Needs Met by a Loving PartnerJessie Czebotar Clips
6 months agoWarning About Divination + White Magick, Chaos, Downward Spiral, Turns Your Worldview Upside-Down + Turn to GodJessie Czebotar Clips
6 months agoJessie's Shows, Websites and Books, Patreon, Illuminate the Darkness, Marion from The Netherlands, Veterans, Champions, Whistleblowers and SurvivorsJessie Czebotar Clips
5 months agoConfess, Rebuke, Command Spirits to Leave, Remove Their Authority and Stand in Your Own, Christ Purchased Us with His BloodJessie Czebotar Clips
5 months agoSoul Resonance Tones, Training, 4 Base Demons + Spiritual Gates, Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Sight, Spiritual Armour + The Glory of GodJessie Czebotar Clips