Dissecting the New [Predictive Programming] Obama Netflix Movie, Upcoming Timelines Splits/Choice Point, and More! + Live Q&A with Frank Jacob! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
John L. Peterson: Is it REALLY All About Strictly Operating in a Spiritual Space, or is There a Point Where it Comes to YOU SAYING "NO!!!" and Taking Action? Gregg Braden: The New Age Movement is a PsyOp in Itself! WE DO HAVE TO FIGHT.
A.I. Cameras Detect Your Emotions [and Have Been for a Long Time] + Why We're Not Yet Ready for Free Energy/Don't Deserve it. | Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
Can This Candidate Win 2024? + The Spiritually ill "Q"-Sycophants, Unfortunate Actors, and Enabling Podcasters. — Jean Nolan | WE in 5D: I'll Name a Few – Kerry C, Simon P, Patriot Underground, Nino Rod, Juan O, and All Grossly Naive.
SIGHTINGS: Investigating Top Secret Government Documents, Real Alien Footage or Cruel Hoax?, the Largest Mass UFO Sighting in History, and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]