Alex Jones | "What I really need because it's real and it's paramount, it's central, is your prayer for God's will to be done, because I want to continue Infowars. The subterfuge makes what happened at Project Veritas look tame.&
Dollar Collapse | "Central Banks In 2022 & 2023 Bought Something Like 50% or 60% More Gold Than They Had Bought In Any of the Previous 10 Years. They See That the Western Currencies Might Have to Be Reset." - Clive Thompson
Jackson Hole, WY | Central Bankers In Wyoming? Are They Gathering to Visit the Jackson Hole Wendy's? Quantum Dot, Quant.Network, Quantum Stamps, China & Russia's Quantum Satellite Link & Graphene-Based Semiconductors?
CURIOSITà EUROPEE l'euro digitale rafforzerà la sicurezza finanziaria? parliamo di un nuovo metodo di pagamento allo studio della Banca Centrale Europea: l'euro digitale.