Prophecy 25 - America, MY Hand Is Set Against You! "If you think that it is hard to walk in faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall encompass thee."
Prophecy 49 Excerpts - YAH Teaches us clearly about the Pre, Mid, Post Tribulation periods. And "Has not enough hatred and hard feelings from MY own children been caused by this debate.."
YAH'S Prophecy 116 (On Yom Kippur, the old version) You Must Be Faith Water Walkers! "Just as in the days of old, I provided miracles and nothing has changed."
Amightywind Prophecy 15 - It's One Minute Until Midnight! YAHUSHUA Comes in the Midnight Hour! America "But now your leaders have gone awhoring after other gods, they have called themselves MINE, yet mock all that is holy."
Amightywind Prophecy 55 - WARN THE PEOPLE! DEVASTATION IS COMING!!! (Added features, potent) "That's why I'm telling MY Daughter now; speak it forth in a spoken word."