Royals, High Priests and High Priestesses, Bilderberg Group + It's Time For Truth, Time For the Crimes To End + The Miracle of Getting Out of the System
Droel Law Firm, Unlawfully Unsealed Jessie Czebotar's Affidavits + Jessie Names Mike Pence, John Kerry, The Cheneys, The Clintons, George Bush (Senior and Junior), Ronald Reagan
The Present Status, Donald Trump, Jessie's Affidavits, Trump Has Information on Crimes Against Children and Crimes Against Humanity, That's Why They Keep Attacking Trump
Biblical, Reveal Report Event in Louisiana, Anointing Tour + The Worst of the Worst Have Been Saved in the Past, It Can Happen Again + Websites, Prayer
The Halloween Ritual with Kanye West, Marilyn Manson & Justin Bieber + Jessie Sent Kanye a Message About Getting Out of the System, She Received No Reply (Is Kanye Really Out?) + High Up in the System + The Use of Energy in Rituals