1. Daily game releases (Oct 30,2024) - Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, Karate Survivor and more

    Daily game releases (Oct 30,2024) - Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, Karate Survivor and more

  2. Pikmin 2 like Dark Souls? | Pikmin 2 | Switch version | game play | episode 13

    Pikmin 2 like Dark Souls? | Pikmin 2 | Switch version | game play | episode 13

  3. Daily game releases (Nov 04,2024) - Munch, Crossed Wires and more

    Daily game releases (Nov 04,2024) - Munch, Crossed Wires and more

  4. Huge Zelda fan plays Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the first time | TOTK episode 86

    Huge Zelda fan plays Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the first time | TOTK episode 86

  5. Daily game releases (Nov 01,2024) - Albatroz, Farmagia, Elin, Homicipher and more

    Daily game releases (Nov 01,2024) - Albatroz, Farmagia, Elin, Homicipher and more

  6. Huge Zelda fan plays Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the first time | TOTK episode 80

    Huge Zelda fan plays Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the first time | TOTK episode 80

  7. Daily game releases (Nov 11,2024) - Everholm, HeistGeist, Menace from the Deep and more

    Daily game releases (Nov 11,2024) - Everholm, HeistGeist, Menace from the Deep and more

  8. Amazon river DLC, Ultimate Fishing Simulator, let's catch some fish

    Amazon river DLC, Ultimate Fishing Simulator, let's catch some fish

  9. Daily game releases (Nov 21,2024) - Divine Dynamo Flamefrit, Loco Motive and more

    Daily game releases (Nov 21,2024) - Divine Dynamo Flamefrit, Loco Motive and more

  10. Daily game releases (Oct 21,2024) - Awaken: Astral Blade, Speedollama and more

    Daily game releases (Oct 21,2024) - Awaken: Astral Blade, Speedollama and more

  11. I can't believe this MYSTERY TECH.

    I can't believe this MYSTERY TECH.

  12. Daily game releases (Nov 27,2024) - Crystal Breaker and more

    Daily game releases (Nov 27,2024) - Crystal Breaker and more

  13. Huge Zelda fan plays Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the first time | TOTK episode 79

    Huge Zelda fan plays Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the first time | TOTK episode 79

  14. Daily game releases (Nov 22,2024) - Spirit Mancer, Mercury Abbey and more

    Daily game releases (Nov 22,2024) - Spirit Mancer, Mercury Abbey and more

  15. Pikmin 2 like Dark Souls? | Pikmin 2 | Switch version | game play | episode 19

    Pikmin 2 like Dark Souls? | Pikmin 2 | Switch version | game play | episode 19
