1 month agoEgypt amassing military along Border, China gets ready to Rumble. CBDCs, Tariffs, NATO, PANAMA ETC.RidgeReport
1 month agoAnd so it Begins 70 mile winds. Newsome brags about investors buying properties. Looting rampant.RidgeReport
1 month agoPeace Deal, 3rd Temple, Laser Gun, China 15% Tariff, 1 Billion to Israel, Egypt ready, Tik Tok ETC.RidgeReport
1 month agoUN Digital Global MARKING SYSTEM, AI Computer, StarGate, Petfood, Fish death, Planets, Sun EruptionsRidgeReport
2 months agoBIRTH PAIN CONTRACTIONS INCREASE Deception Released on People, Hollywood, Politics, Secret Clubs ETCRidgeReport
2 months agoHello everyone here is todays first Ditty. Have a Blessed day don't let the world News get you down.RidgeReport
8 months agoBREAKING NEWS. North Korea to Send Troops to Ukraine to Help Russia, Russia Declares NATO an Enemy+.RidgeReport
2 months agoSecond Ditty today News is off the Charts Birth Pains in Action Get Ready for more Big Events soon.RidgeReport
5 months agoExplosions everywhere, NK soldiers to fight in Ukraine, Comet Jacob spotted, 60% WORLD TRADE RISK.RidgeReport
4 months agoEdmonton Residents Threatened, NK sending 12,000 to Fight, CHRISTIAN PERSUCUTION, Solar Maximum ETCRidgeReport
2 months agoBREAKING WORLD NEWS etc, 2024 Review 2025 Projections. Have a Blessed 2025 from my house to yours.RidgeReport
2 months agoMore Fires, 666 Mark, Antichrist, Tribulation, Rapture, Donald Trump, Persecution, Terrorists ETC.RidgeReport
11 months agoAdam and Eve disobey God's command and consequently bring sin and its consequences into the world.Blessings in the Bible
4 months agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “spirit” - vital principle in man & animals," "spirit, soul" & from Latin spiritus "a breathing, breath;" & "breath of god, divine mind;" "the Holy Ghost;RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
9 months agoSpiritual Warfare, Breaking Events start at the 10:00 mark, NATO/RUSSIA, Donald Trump, Israel, JabsRidgeReport
8 months agoJUNE 16? BREAKING. Email from the frontlines, The Draft has Past, Me and Jake, Spiritual Shield ETC.RidgeReport
11 months agoThe Concert Hall & Bridge, Trumps New Bible, Planet Fitness, Earthquakes, Have a Good Powerful Cry.RidgeReport
10 months agoIran, Twitter, Tic toc etc full of Fake news. 99% of projectiles intercepted. Now its Israel's turn.RidgeReport
11 months agoVideo from Baltimore, Taylor Swift, Pope Francis, Steven Furtick, US Against Israel? Christian Woes.RidgeReport
11 months agoUS /ISRAEL? Tyson Foods, Cuba in the Dark, Cicadas, Liver Fluke, Niger Coup, March 17/24 Testimony.RidgeReport
9 months agoTumbler Ridge EVENTIDE Online Church. Breaking world News starts at the 7 min mark. WW3 Rapture ETC.RidgeReport
11 months ago11:11 Mexico time and 9:11 central time the sun is hidden at its highest point, Israel leaves Gaza.RidgeReport
9 months agoSK VS NK, Space, Biden, IOS 18, Mexico & Russia, IDF, Finland JAB, Libya, Mongolia Cows, Azov Gang.RidgeReport
11 months agoThe Urantia Book Solar Eclipse, Biden Impeachment Hearing, Kanye West, French Troops, The Vanishing.RidgeReport