George Mason University (Virginia): Bro Elijah & Sis Charita Join Me, Super Windy Day, Several One on One Conversations with Lesbians, Atheists & A Few True Christians
George Mason Univ: Sodomite Attacks Elijah From Behind, Police Called, Crowd Grows, Muslims Come Out In Force, I Stomp On The Koran, Muslim Lunges Toward Me, Police Called Again, Muslim Arrested, Student Newspaper Interviews Us
George Mason Univ: Student Assaults Us With Ketchup, Elijah Draws Huge Crowd of Over 100 Students, Muslims Almost Erupt Into Violence, Sodomites Exalt Perversion, Humble Lesbians Seek Truth Toward The End
Towson University: Police Set Up THREE Barriers, Deploy 6 Police Officers, Allow Us To Use Bullhorn, We Draw A Crowd of 75-100 Students, Rebuking Hypocrites, Contending with Sodomites, Crowd Chants "Before & After" To Mock Elijah's Sign