( -0706 ) CNN Fake Climate News, Election Rigging by the Numbers, & Our Sandy Hook Slumber (& Biden Is 'President' But Not Duly Elected Per This AG's Testimony)
Mike in the Night! E589 - There may be an assassination attempt as Trump inauguration will move indoors over frigid weather, Operation Warp Speed 2.0 as Bill Gates unveils details of ‘intriguing’ dinner with Trump Next weeks News Today, Headlines an
Mike in the Night E588 - Elon Musk is a major Fraud, Meta's Mark Zuckerberg is crap, Newsom Demands X Censor , Next weeks News Today , Headlines, Call ins
Mike in the Night! E587 - Pathetic Joe Biden to Award Democrat Hillary Clinton and Leftist George Soros the Medal of Freedom, Christmas chaos in France: Knife attacks, hundreds of gifts stolen, arson attack on a nativity scene, and a cemetery robbed,
Mike in the Night! E591 - Why Canada needs a kick in the teeth, Why Trump Really wants Canada, Elon was a Democrat remember that folks, Next Weeks News Today !, Call Ins, Headlines
Mike in the night E590 - Its all a Script , Everything they tell you is a lie, They are now showing their Poker Hand, Next weeks News Today, Headlines Call ins
Mike in the Night! E576 - FU Zelnzki as EU approves €35 billion loan for Ukraine, Mitch McConnell Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Losers’, hundreds of Canadians chose to be euthanized because of poverty and loneliness,
Mike in the Night! E567-NATIONWIDE SCAM to vax to death children for “Bird Flu” in 2025, Fruadster Kamala Harris Pledges Continued Support For Ukraine, Big Brother Goes Digital: The Feds’ Race to Integrate Mobile IDs in America