6 months ago1:35 democrat Bill Maher on democrat cnn kaitlan collins report the news straight & the crowd laughlevtcs
6 months ago"Cold Hearted B*tch" Megyn Kelly’s BRUTAL Career Advice for democrat fake news CNN’s Kaitlan Collinslevtcs
7 months agoLefties losing it: lib democrat cult klan Kamala Harris backflips from being an ‘open border radicallevtcs
6 months agoas expected, Liberal democrat Pundits LIE, Know They’re Lying, Jesse Lee Peterson BOOT David Pakmanlevtcs
7 months agoHow jew Blackrock corp Trained Pres Trump’s Butler Pennsylvania rally Shooter? 7-19-24 King Luxurylevtcs
7 months agoPres Trump’s Butler Pennsylvania rally Shooter trained by Blackrock’s Jew CEO Goes Viral 7-19levtcs
7 months agoSniper Says That Pres Trump Butler Pennsylvania rally Shooting "SCREAMS Conspiracy" 8-8-24 Valuetainlevtcs
6 months agonobody likes democrats anymore -*NEW DATA* liberal Democrat losing voters in EVERY State since 2020levtcs
6 months agoliberal democrat CNN losing talking points turn discussion into Screaming UNHINGED racist MELTDOWN🤣levtcs
7 months ago🚨Did Pres Trump Assassin Met With The Feds!? Cell Phone Data Reveals Mysterious DC Trips | WHYlevtcs
7 months ago🚨Pres Trump PA rally Assassin’s Secret Feds Meetings EXPOSED! DC Trips Revealed by Cell Phone Data!levtcs
7 months agoMissouri AG SLAMS Voter Fraud, VOWS To SHUT DOWN Shadow Campaign 7-27-24 Timcast IRLlevtcs
7 months agoFemale Voters Leave MSNBC Reporter SHAKING When They Explain Why They HATE KAMALA HARRIS!levtcs
18 days agoGrateful For Your Love | Uplifting Worship | Gospel | Thank you Jesus | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18SheepMOB25
7 months agono shame democrat Tim Walz AR-15 Weapon of War Claim: PROOF Never Been To War🔥stolen valor 8-10-24levtcs
6 months agochicago store owners knew only fake news reports liberal democrat cult klan loving peaceful protestlevtcs
7 months agoTeacher Fired Over liberal democrat California lgbt transgender Pronoun Rules Wins $360K Settlement!levtcs
7 months ago🚨much BIGGER Than JFK! Local SWAT Team Confesses no communications in Pres Trump Butler, PA rallylevtcs
7 months agoswat team says no communication w secret service at Pres Trump Butler PA rally assassination attemptlevtcs
7 months ago🚨Secret Service Texts Reveal Sniper FAILURES Before Pres Trump Butler PA Attack | SWAT: We Had Him!levtcs
6 months agoBodycam: Butler Pennsylvania rally SWAT Hit Pres Trump Shooter Before Secret Service Sniperslevtcs
7 months agowhy lib democrat suddenly dumped 81 million votes demented zombie joe & needs open border for kamalalevtcs
6 months agoHUGELY Profitable John Deere Laying Off Hundreds MORE Workers! 8-25-24 The Jimmy Dore Showlevtcs
7 months agoliberal satanic Democrat VP Pick MOCKED, Called “Tampon Tim” For Putting Tampons In Boys Bathroomslevtcs