Penn State: Sinner Spits In My Face, Apathy Reigns Supreme, Preaching With Penn State Professor Once Again, Exalting Jesus Christ To Thousands of Students
Indiana State Indianapolis: Wicked Catholic Defends His Sin, He Eventually Sits At My Feet, Sincere Christian Searches the Bible To Ensure I Am Speaking Truth & Rejoices At My Preaching, I Warn the Students of Trump Being The Anti Christ, Prophetic Da
The Title of “ Jesus Christ “ MUST and WILL BE ABOLISHED: JESUS CHRIST NAME & IMAGE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MARY & JOSEPH’S SON.🕎 Baruch 2:26-35 “For I knew that they would not hear me, because it is a stiffnecked people”
Univ of Michigan: Angry Sodomite Spits On Me Twice, Attempts To Steal My Banner, Security Call Cops, Sodomite Is Handcuffed And Arrested, I Press Charges, I Rebuke A Wicked Baptist Refusing Shabbat, I Warn The Campus About Trump Being The Anti Christ
Shabbat Bible Study: The Tribulation, The Great Tribulation, The Rapture (7th Trumpet Resurrection), The 1000 Year Reign of Christ, The Final Armageddon, The Great White Throne Judgment, The New Heavens & New Earth All Found In Isaiah Chapters 24-30