AI Government | "I've Said Publicly & I'm Only Half Joking That We Need AI Government." - Joe Rogan + "The Founding Vision Was We Were Going to Use Technology to Overturn the Monetary System of the World." - Peter Thiel
Gold | "Gold, It Is the Most Private of All Currencies. The GREAT LIE of My Lifetime Is That CRYPTO Was Going to Be PRIVATE & Was Going to FREE Us from Surveillance & Control. Gold Can Actually Be Moved Around Privately."
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wrote NEXUS. I Go from Podcast to TV Station to Talk About My Book. The Entities I'm Trying to Impress Are the Algorithms Because If I Can Get the Attention of the Algorithms the Humans Will Follow." - 9/5/24Yuval Noa
Japan | "They Have An Entire Stadium That Seats 40,000 People And This Is Where They Are Going Mass Jab People. On Friday 6/14 & Friday 6/21, They Are Going to Be Jabbing People. It's a Straight Up Genocide." - Michael Yon
Joe Rogan | "I Don't Think We Are Going to Be Humans Any More. This Mad Rush for Artificial Intelligence, Where Does That Go? That Goes to Some Sort of Artificial Life Form. Either We Become That Thing Or That Thing Takes Over."