5 months agoCall: Pedophile Adrenochrome Cannibal Oprah Winfrey & Faggot Bill Gates in Plain Sight!KimOsboel
5 months agoCall: 'Strange' Subliminal Messaging! Things Are Happening In Las Vegas On The Sphere!KimOsboel
9 months agoCall: It Took 37 Planned Assassinations In Mexico Before The Pedophile Satanic Globalists...KimOsboel
2 months agoCall: Witch Kim Kardashian & Macaulay Culkin Demonic Saturnalia Tribute For Satan!KimOsboel
3 months agoCall: The Scripted United 'Healthcare' Psyop To Bring In The A.I. 'Healthcare' System!KimOsboel
9 months agoCall: The Real Satanic Fascist Agenda 2030 ID Is Being Required In America By 2025!KimOsboel