8 months agopeople like dr fauci dr faulty are responsible for alot of deaths this is not a vaccine in a traditional senseroswellfannz
5 months agoCalls For Genocidal Retribution Against Gaza: Israeli & U.S. Officials Urge AnnihilationConcerned for Truth
4 months agoCommunists Planning FOOD CRISIS! Podesta Predicts FAMINE, Installed As Biden’s Climate CzarConcerned for Truth
7 months agoPeople mainly muslims killing of western people even children ….what the causes could possibly beroswellfannz
5 months agoBen Shapiro OUTED As Israeli Intel Asset: Zionist Shills Justify Palestinian GenocideConcerned for Truth
4 months agoUni-Party Seeks To Finance World War 3: Biden Wants $100B For Israel & UkraineConcerned for Truth
4 months agoToxic Train Crash PLANNED! Netflix Movie Foreshadowed Environmental CATASTROPHE!Concerned for Truth
4 months agoPalestinian Displaced In Sweden SPEAKS OUT: Israeli Bombings Kill Over 6K In GazaConcerned for Truth
8 months agoBitcoin discount ongoing, stack harder, never a day off, Bitcoin reinventing economics - Ep.139Fractal Bitcoin
6 months agoRaving rant about worldly events and how to obtain info regarding frequenciesroswellfannz
5 months agoAppalling treatment of myself regarding the purchase & seeking a refund of an xbox series sroswellfannz
4 months agoSkate Slasher Finally Arrested For MANSLAUGHTER: Matt Petgrave Charged For Killing Adam JohnsonConcerned for Truth
4 months agoAmerica’s Chernobyl: Environmental Disaster DESTROYING Wildlife & Contaminating Water SupplyConcerned for Truth
10 months agoreality is changing GOVTS are ever LYING to have you DE*D evil has no LIMITSroswellfannz
4 months agoInstagram CAUGHT Aiding Pedophiles: Social Media Algorithm Facilitates Network of CHILD PREDATORSConcerned for Truth