Sabrina Wallace RE: Some Folks Up In Morocco 🇲🇦 "That Have An IEEE Paying Membership" - RumbleDad's "Crystal Ball" Is Laughing His Ass Off R.N. As He Gets All His Papers For Free! 🤣
Mike in the Night E580, We Told you so Era!, Taiwan receives first shipment of HIMARS rocket system, why the UK will soon be full of political prisoners, Next weeks news Today! , Call ins , Headlines
Yuval Noah Harari | "Increasingly You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. In Many Places It's No Longer a Human Banker That Is Making That Decision About You, It's An Algorithm. It's Happening Also In the Judicial System Increasingly."
THE UNIT | "A New Alternative Currency System Commonly Referred to As THE UNIT Reportedly Backed By 40% Gold & 60% By Currencies of Participating Countries." - (10/17/24) + Interview Andy Schectman