6 months ago[Lillian McDermott Radio Show] David Weiss, Questioning the Flat Earth Theory [Apr 12, 2022]DITRH Interviews
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5 months agoSunrise, Sunset, Flat Earth: An Engineer’s Perspective on the Missing Bulge ShadowFlat Earth Clock app
9 months ago[Jason Petrunik] "Flat Earther" David Weiss | Elon, Illusions & The Avengers [Oct 28, 2021]DITRH Interviews
2 months agoThe Crisis of Knowing: Why Certainty is an Illusion in the Age of Assumed TruthsFragmentsOfTruth
9 months ago#24 This False Earth with Dave Weiss from The Flat Earth Podcast (preview) [Sep 23, 2021]DITRH Interviews
10 months agoFlat Earth - Great example of perspective & mirroring - no curve - Phuket Word mirror ✅markksargent
3 months agoBOB THE SCIENCE GUY ( song ) Gets a perspective lesson from p-brane about Mt Rainier and its shadowFlat Earth Clock app
8 months ago[Unframe of Mind] Definitely NOT a Flat vs Round Earth Discussion with David Weiss and Daniel WagnerDITRH Interviews
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7 months ago[Crypto Fitness] David Weiss - Is The Earth Round? Or Flat? [Mar 15, 2022]DITRH Interviews
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9 months agoThe Sun Isn't in "Space"! Solar Flares/Storms Don't Exist! Get Your Govt to Zoom in with Nikon P900!Liberty TV
5 months agoPART 1 p-brane gives Bob the Science Guy and goofball buddies a mountain shadow perspective lessonFlat Earth Clock app