SPIN (Documentary)| Spotlighting Illuminati-Control Over Republican/Democrat Parties Alike, AND RELIGION. An Era Where They Primarily (Not Exclusively) Functioned Through the Republican Party! + “Fake White House’s" for TV are NOT New, [Q-Tards!]
The Long, Long Trailer (1954 Full Movie) | Romantic/Comedy | Summary: Nicholas Collini (Desi), an engineer, travels for work. His soon-wife, Stacy (Lucy), suggests traveling together via motor home. But when they do it takes a toll on their marriage.
The Three Stooges Meet Hercules (1962 Full Movie) | Comedy/Adventure | Summary: Schuyler's time machine takes the boys and Schuyler's girlfriend Diane, to ancient Greece. When Diane is kidnapped, Hercules helps the group get her back.
Don't Be a Victim of Your Own Cognitive Dissonance! | WE in 5D: Those Self-Assured Click "👍🏽".. Those with Cognitive Dissonance Click "👎🏽" (And This Simpsons Things is JUST ONE Discrepancy I Can Pluck Out).
Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your OWN Psyche; Never Mind the British People! This “Q” Mental Gymnastics is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness. Qtards, Unsub From This Channel.
General Anthony Tata: “The Deep State is Real and I Experienced it!” + Here’s Why Trump Was the ONLY President Not to Start a War. | The Normal Libs at the Jimmy Dore Show Giving Credit Where it's Due.