Dr. Judy Mikovits | Who Are Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari? What Are the Agendas of Musk & Harari? Why Is Harari Pushing "Surveillance Under the Skin?" Why Is Musk Pushing "Carbon Taxes"? What Caused Tower #7 to Fall Down?
Community-Building Has Begun: Town Creates Militia Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights! | Wait Til the Era of Stopping Paying Taxes Hits and Communities ARE Able to Protect Themselves.
"Stop PAYING Your Taxes!" — Anthony Hudson on Redacted News | WE in 5D: As I Predicted! Or Rather Not Quite Yet. Consider the Following the Full Prediction—This is Just a Toe in Cold Water, and a REALLY Well Organized Event(s) is to Come!
Clay Clark | Tax You. Tax Me. Tax Everyone. - How Much Are You Paying? + Taxes: What You Spend Over 50% Of Your Income On + Tebow Joins Clay Clark's June 27-28 Business Workshop (13 Tickets Remain)