8 months agoGreenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: Fraudulent climate modelling promoted by alarmistsSettingBrushfires
8 months agoNever forget the empty hospitals & crisis actors as they coerced people to take the death shotSettingBrushfires
7 months agoHave You Seen The Geoengineering Map? Find Out What & Where The Criminals Are SprayingSettingBrushfires
7 months agoIn Peru 5G antennas taken down because public has become aware of their dangersSettingBrushfires
7 months agoWhy are climate change activists targeting the beef industry when data doesn’t back their claims?SettingBrushfires
7 months agoWhen Italians hear "Big Pharma", "Pfizer", "AstraZeneca" they associate them with psychopathsSettingBrushfires
7 months agoThe lawless planned to haul dissidents into internment camps for 'deprogramming' since at least 2010SettingBrushfires
6 months agoThe Coca-Cola Company is implicated in the purchase of children from Ukraine.SettingBrushfires
6 months agoMichigan Department of Agriculture seized $90k worth of raw dairy from Nourished Co-OpSettingBrushfires
6 months agoI hope depopulation will occur civil and peacefully - WEF mastermind, Club of Rome founder (2012)SettingBrushfires
6 months agoSpectacular video showing Boeing 787 Dreamliner leaving behind huge chemtrail!SettingBrushfires