3 months agoSUPREME COURT + Guns + Trump: What Happens Next? ATF, SCOTUS, Trump and 2nd Amendment 2024Tom Grieve
5 months agoAR15s and 11+ round mags NOT in Common Use?! Government Says So! 24 million sold says otherwiseTom Grieve
4 months agoHarris Promises to TRAMPLE 2nd+4th Amendment Rights, Violate Magna Carta if ElectedTom Grieve
6 months agoVenezuela Gun Control CAUSES Crime+Tyranny!!! Evidence, Statistics, LEARN THE LESSONTom Grieve
5 months agoATF's CRAZY Argument DESTROYED: NEW Pistol Brace RULING! 8th circuit Shuts down ATFTom Grieve
6 months agoANTI-GUNS to PRO GUNS: REAL demonstration with a protestor, CCW, handguns, AR-15sTom Grieve
5 months agoINSANE Bureaucrats MOVE Against Machine Guns?! 6 Years Prison? Wisconsin Full AutomaticsTom Grieve
20 hours agoThis is REALLY Bad: Worst in USA History? Colorado's Ban on Most Semiautomatic Firearms, AR15, GlockTom Grieve
11 months agoMilitia and the 2nd Amendment: What is it? This and Hawaii v. Wilson discussed with Kostas MorosTom Grieve
11 months agoSUPREME COURT Favorite Teaches 2nd Amendment History: English Gun Rights 1680-1820 Dr. Joyce MalcolmTom Grieve
10 months agoS&W+Glock SURRENDER?! Gun Makers Bankrupt!? 20 years ago, Gun Grabbers Quietly ALMOST WonTom Grieve
10 months agoCOURT ORDERS YouTube viewer personal data on videos, names, address, phone number IP AddressesTom Grieve
11 months agoAR15+Semi Automatic Crisis: Largest Gun Ban in History Potentially? Supreme Court Garland v CargilTom Grieve
10 months agoTHOUSANDS of Machine Guns DESTROYED! Why? Firearms FFL Expert Michael KwiatkowskiTom Grieve
9 months agoGUN SEIZED by cops, court says inside car is public space! What is going on in Minnesota?!Tom Grieve