1. How INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Can Save $2,000 Per Patient by Providing ED Bypass Services at Home!

    How INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Can Save $2,000 Per Patient by Providing ED Bypass Services at Home!

  2. My Dad's been in ICU for 6Months on Dialysis, Ventilated&Tracheostomy.He Can't Wean Off Ventilation!

    My Dad's been in ICU for 6Months on Dialysis, Ventilated&Tracheostomy.He Can't Wean Off Ventilation!

  3. Keeping a Client at Home and Out of ICU/ED Predictably After 30 ED Admissions Within 8 Months

    Keeping a Client at Home and Out of ICU/ED Predictably After 30 ED Admissions Within 8 Months

  4. My 40-Year-Old Boyfriend in ICU isn't Waking Up After 7 Days, Meningitis, Seizures&Brain Blood Clots

    My 40-Year-Old Boyfriend in ICU isn't Waking Up After 7 Days, Meningitis, Seizures&Brain Blood Clots

  5. My Uncle's in Multi-organ Failure &3 Weeks in ICU! He’s Ventilated, Trache, Dialysis& Not Waking Up!

    My Uncle's in Multi-organ Failure &3 Weeks in ICU! He’s Ventilated, Trache, Dialysis& Not Waking Up!

  6. My Dad’s in ICU Ventilated with COPD & Emphysema! Is Having a Tracheostomy and Going Home an Option?

    My Dad’s in ICU Ventilated with COPD & Emphysema! Is Having a Tracheostomy and Going Home an Option?

  7. ICU Told Me My Mom had All Odds Against Her with COPD,ARDS,COVID, Vasopressors & ECMO, She Survived!

    ICU Told Me My Mom had All Odds Against Her with COPD,ARDS,COVID, Vasopressors & ECMO, She Survived!

  8. 32-Year-Old Son’s In ICU With Pneumonia,Sepsis,MOF For 7 Days&ICU Team Says He’s Going To Die! Help!

    32-Year-Old Son’s In ICU With Pneumonia,Sepsis,MOF For 7 Days&ICU Team Says He’s Going To Die! Help!

  9. Should My Mother have a Tracheostomy After 2 Weeks on a Breathing Tube After PE?

    Should My Mother have a Tracheostomy After 2 Weeks on a Breathing Tube After PE?

  10. Another Testimonial from a Very Happy Client! Thank You for Helping My Mom to Get out of ICU Alive!

    Another Testimonial from a Very Happy Client! Thank You for Helping My Mom to Get out of ICU Alive!

  11. My Grandma Had a Stroke, Went to LTAC on Ventilator & Tracheostomy, She Went Downhill Fast In LTAC!

    My Grandma Had a Stroke, Went to LTAC on Ventilator & Tracheostomy, She Went Downhill Fast In LTAC!

  12. Mom's in ICU for 6 weeks, Unable to Wean Off Ventilation & Tracheostomy After CABG, I Want Her Home

    Mom's in ICU for 6 weeks, Unable to Wean Off Ventilation & Tracheostomy After CABG, I Want Her Home

  13. Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

    Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

  14. INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Now Accredited for ACIS 4.0 & Therefore is on the Provider List for ICARE NSW

    INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Now Accredited for ACIS 4.0 & Therefore is on the Provider List for ICARE NSW

  15. What You Need to Do If Your Loved One in ICU is Brain Dead or is Considered for Organ Donation

    What You Need to Do If Your Loved One in ICU is Brain Dead or is Considered for Organ Donation

  16. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After BIPAP, Wound Care, Catheters & Intravenous Medication at Home?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After BIPAP, Wound Care, Catheters & Intravenous Medication at Home?

  17. What are Treatment Options for Pseudomonas Pneumonia in ICU? Is Palliative Care the Only Option?

    What are Treatment Options for Pseudomonas Pneumonia in ICU? Is Palliative Care the Only Option?

  18. Is the "Palliative Care" Pathway for the Elderly in NHS Hospitals in the UK Euthanasia?

    Is the "Palliative Care" Pathway for the Elderly in NHS Hospitals in the UK Euthanasia?

  19. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Provide a Dignified Death at Home Instead of an Undignified Death in ICU?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Provide a Dignified Death at Home Instead of an Undignified Death in ICU?

  20. My 81yr old Husband's in ICU Ventilated&Trache,Dialysis,Liver Failure,ICU's Pushing Palliative Care!

    My 81yr old Husband's in ICU Ventilated&Trache,Dialysis,Liver Failure,ICU's Pushing Palliative Care!

  21. Another Inspirational ICU Patient Survivor Story of a Patient Who Was Once Declared "Brain Dead!”

    Another Inspirational ICU Patient Survivor Story of a Patient Who Was Once Declared "Brain Dead!”

  22. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mum Home from ICU On BIPAP,High Flow Nasal O2 &Nasojejunal Feeds?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mum Home from ICU On BIPAP,High Flow Nasal O2 &Nasojejunal Feeds?

  23. My Daughter's in ICU On a Ventilator & Dialysis, ICU Wants Hospice, She Wants to Live! Help!

    My Daughter's in ICU On a Ventilator & Dialysis, ICU Wants Hospice, She Wants to Live! Help!
