6 months ago1:35 democrat Bill Maher on democrat cnn kaitlan collins report the news straight & the crowd laughlevtcs
6 months ago"Cold Hearted B*tch" Megyn Kelly’s BRUTAL Career Advice for democrat fake news CNN’s Kaitlan Collinslevtcs
6 months agoas expected, Liberal democrat Pundits LIE, Know They’re Lying, Jesse Lee Peterson BOOT David Pakmanlevtcs
6 months agonobody likes democrats anymore -*NEW DATA* liberal Democrat losing voters in EVERY State since 2020levtcs
6 months agoliberal democrat CNN losing talking points turn discussion into Screaming UNHINGED racist MELTDOWN🤣levtcs
7 months agoMissouri AG SLAMS Voter Fraud, VOWS To SHUT DOWN Shadow Campaign 7-27-24 Timcast IRLlevtcs
7 months ago2024 paris olympic director gay Jew Thomas Jolly & lesbian Barbara Butch blaspheme hate JESUS CHRISTlevtcs
7 months agoFemale Voters Leave MSNBC Reporter SHAKING When They Explain Why They HATE KAMALA HARRIS!levtcs
6 months agochicago store owners knew only fake news reports liberal democrat cult klan loving peaceful protestlevtcs
7 months ago$2.9 TRILLION Stock Market Losses In One Day! unemployment & recession w/ Ian Carroll 8-4-24 Jimmy Dlevtcs
7 months agowhy lib democrat suddenly dumped 81 million votes demented zombie joe & needs open border for kamalalevtcs
6 months agoHUGELY Profitable John Deere Laying Off Hundreds MORE Workers! 8-25-24 The Jimmy Dore Showlevtcs
6 months agoliberal satanic Democrat VP Pick MOCKED, Called “Tampon Tim” For Putting Tampons In Boys Bathroomslevtcs
6 months agoformer democrat plantation actual real life Black Woman Jade on hateful liberal Democrat cult klanlevtcs
6 months agoPOWERFUL! Far Left liberal satanic democrat plantation cult klan DESTROYED by real life Black Voterslevtcs
6 months ago7:40 Judge Joe Brown on democrat kamala wash collard green in bathtub where people wash their behindlevtcs
6 months agoTop Israeli Official On Gaza Dreams Of Starving Palestinians 8-10-24 The Jimmy Dore Showlevtcs
6 months ago5:30 President John F Kennedy's warning to America - opposing secret societies 8-28-24 Liberal Hivemlevtcs
6 months agoHollywood sopranos star Drea De Matteo - democrat DNC cult paid actors actress to push dem narrativelevtcs
6 months agoDaily Wire TROLLS Democrats With Fake Project 2025 Website That Promotes Matt Walsh Movie 8-23-24 Tilevtcs
6 months agoWOKE dem Female Anchors ADMIT TRUTH About Liberal Men Voting For democrat Kamala Harris & Democrats!levtcs
6 months agoCNN Analyst DESTROY lib democrat Kamala Harris For GOING FULL COMMUNIST In LUDICROUS Economic Policylevtcs
6 months agoWashington Post Calls liberal satanic democrat cult klan Kamala COMMUNIST | Media TURNING on kamala?levtcs