4 months ago🚨Liberal progressive hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan LOSES IT on Black Woman Voting Pres Trumplevtcs
6 months agoWashington Post Calls liberal satanic democrat cult klan Kamala COMMUNIST | Media TURNING on kamala?levtcs
3 months agolib democrat cult klan Jeff Bezos BEG Trump Forgiveness as his fake news Washington Post STRUGGLESlevtcs
5 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan fema has money for illegals nut none for USAmerican citizenslevtcs
6 months agoVeterans CONfRONT liberal satanic democart cult klan coward traitor Tim Walz's Staff On Stolen Valorlevtcs
3 months ago“liberal satanic democrat cult klan Feds Behind January 6th!” Says Pres Trump FBI Nominee Kash Patellevtcs
6 months agoTucker Carlson just BLEW THE LID on liberal hypocrite democrat cult klan no primary vote Kamala 8-24levtcs
3 months ago2017 lib satanic Democrat cult klan Fauci knew surprise outbreak coming After Pres Trump took Officelevtcs
3 months agoliberal democrat cult klan Ellen DeGeneres MOVED out of U.S.A to U.K because of Pres Trump or diddylevtcs
3 months agoliberal progressive hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan Ellen Degeneres uk mansion flooded 😂levtcs
2 months agoChicago's lib democrat cult klan Mayor Brandon Johnson fighting for illegals than citizen taxpayerslevtcs
6 months ago‘ATE A DOG?” RFK Jr Responds to liberal democrat cult klan FAKE news newsweek july 2, 2024 Story 🐶levtcs
4 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan The View & Mark Cuban Shows Everyone the FOOLS They are AGAIN🤯levtcs
7 months agoJD Vance SHUTS DOWN liberal satanic democrat cult klan fake news Kaitlan Collins 7-20-24 Devin Gibsolevtcs
3 months agoRFK Schools liberal progressive satanic democrat cult klan fake News Host On no Vaccine Safety Datalevtcs
2 months agodemocrat cult klan google YouTube has halted, demonetized & suppressed modern renaissance man videoslevtcs
3 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan Walmart Ends DEI Removes lgbTransgender Products Marketed to KIDSlevtcs
8 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan E. Jean Carroll FACING JAIL TIME After Trump Accusations BACKFIRElevtcs
7 months agoBiden On Former Klan Member: "Robert C. Byrd Was… A Friend, And He Was A Mentor And He Was A Guide"NewsVids
7 months agoliberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan Trump hate Rhetoric The cause of Trump assassinationlevtcs
6 months agoformer democrat plantation actual real life Black Woman Jade on hateful liberal Democrat cult klanlevtcs