WAKE THE FU@4 UP PEOPLE!! YOU CANNOT WIN IN A GLOBALIST UCC COURT! Whistleblower McBride Sentenced to 5 Yrs., 8 Mos - BREAKING A vindictive judge in Canberra has thrown the book at a man who revealed war crimes by the Australian military in Afghanistan
Astronaut Gordon Cooper Said He Witnessed The Teleportation of a Dog - Restricted, Classified, Compartmentalized, & Fractionated - Except For the Dog Who Was Just Fractionated
( -0852 ) Kash Patel is Confirmed with Votes to Spare; Rhinos Fell in Line & Petrified Adam Schiff's Accusations Become a Whisper, While in Lurid Detail, an Unrepentant Jones Invokes the Name & Form of the Destructor