Wicked City Clerks Tell Me I MUST Have A Court Appointed Attorney, I Rebuke Them, I Send Email To Clerks, Judge, Prosecutor and Police Quoting Matthew 10 & Stating Jesus Will Be My Defender (Regarding My Arrest And Approaching Court Date In Oneonta, N
Holy Spirit Prophetic Word Given to Me about You Wicked Parents in the USA Who Refuse to Teach Your Children to Love Jesus Christ, walk in the Hebrews 8 Covenant, and obey Yah
Univ of Maryland: Reproving the Pedophilia In Islam/Stomping on Koran, Reproving the Pedophilia in the Babylonian Talmud-Rebuking The Unbelieving Jews, Exalting Jesus Christ! A Wicked Reprobate Claims You Can Have Holy Spirit While Murdering!!!!
Sukkot Day 8: Prophetic Layers, My 2 True Prophecies, Jesus Exalts My Horn In Righteousness, Prophetic Unlocking of Zechariah Chapters 5 and 6 As It Relates to Covid-19, Donald Trump's Re-election, Daniel 9:27 and Coming Nuclear War Into 7 Year Trib
Cleveland State: Rebuking Jehovah's Witnesses For Their Hellish Religion, Contending w/ an Arrogant Muslim & His Girlfriend, I Sing Out Songs, Preach Jesus, Crowd Descends Into Blasphemy, "Christians" Love Their Sin, I Wipe The Dust Off
Once Anointed Misty Edwards IHOP Worship Leader/Others abused by Mike Bickle fake jesus movement. He sex manipulated many slaughtered YAHS Sheep, another gospel not JESUS OF THE BIBLE! Pray for them